Music that Makes You Feel – An Interview with Musician Victor V. Gurbo

Portrait of a Musician

An Interview with musician Victor V. Gurbo

Musician: Victor V. Gurbo
: Louise Lau
Cameras: Louise Lau & Michael Hou
Original music: Victor V. Gurbo
Live performance audio: Victor V. Gurbo

Video Chapters

Intro: Victor V. Gurbo
”V stands for Voccoli.”

I. Becoming a Musician
”I never thought I would be in the world of music.”

II. Art, Writing & Music
”We tell stories to each other.”

III. Burnin’ the Manor Down (original music by Victor V. Gurbo)
”It’s about the cycle of how new music is accepted.”

IV. Connecting With the Audience
”The job of an artist is to make you feel feelings.”

Visit Victor V. Gurbo on Spotify, Facebook, and Instagram